Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What's it all about?

          There are 6 aspects to a fully balanced life. #6 is Being (i.e., transpersonal, transcendental, spiritual: ethics, morals, values, ultimate-concerns, quantum-mechanics, religion). Some don’t feel the need to develop all 6 aspects, and concentrate on only 5, 4, 3, 2, or even only 1. Examples are a body-builder whose ONLY concern is working-out at the expense of everything else, a monk who abandons everything else in order to pursue ONLY spirituality, or a workaholic who loses family, friends & health in order to pursue ONLY wealth.
          Those who feel the need to pursue #6-Being, end-up attaching to whatever spiritual tradition they were brainwashed into, forced into, intimidated into, or attracted into. Some of those don’t officially join a group but still function within the influence of some mythological tradition. Very, very few actually bother to visit as many groups as possible, compare the pro$perou$ & $ucce$$ful people that those groups generated, and proactively seek membership & involvement therein. Sadly, so many of those are motivated by fear of eternal suffering in the fires of hell where they would be thrown by a “loving-God” or “beneficent-&-merciful-Allah,” if they don’t practice some set of religious requirements properly. By looking at the world numbers of adherents (e.g., 1.3-billion Muslims, 1.1-billion Catholics), it seems that what works best in religion-building are fear & force. Those 2 seemingly very-effective approaches resulted in 19% of the world fearing the 75-yr-deep hell of Allah, and 16% of the world fearing the hell of the Siamese-Triplet-Gods of Roman-Catholicism.
          There is nothing wrong with binding-together into synergy-groups in order to accomplish some worthy undertaking that unconnected individuals could not accomplish. That, after all, is the original definition of the word “religion.” But why is it, in order to get people to listen to some insight about progress toward civilization, that a visionary’s disciples have to first tell people that their teacher was some divine-avatar-incarnation-ascended-master-prophet-son-of-god from 9th-dimention-Shambala-heaven? Is it that sheeple are so stupid that just reasoning with them simply would not work?
          Do adults need to be frightened into civilized-polite-behavior by threatening them with some boogie-man if they don’t behave appropriately? Doesn’t that sound very much like European legends about Santa’s boogie-man-like travelling companion, Krumpus? Even children ought not to be frightened like that. What's not so well known about Santa-Claus, is that he has a devilish travelling companion, who is a frightening, demonlike creature who travels with Santa to punish misbehaved children, who were too bad to get on Santa's "good" list, by beating them with a whip.
          What’s wrong with simple appeal to reason without having to claim to have been sent by God, or threatening people with burning in hell? Is it really necessary to make convoluted, impossible-to-explain-logically, mythological-doctrines about salvation-by-blood-of-human-sacrifice or imputed vs. imparted righteousness, or wafers literally transforming into the flesh of a person.
          It’s all very, very simple. The only thing that really is, is the light, love & warmth of HAPPINESS. If that is missing, the lack thereof is the darkness, fear, & cold of the condition of something missing that we label “un-happiness.” All we got to do is learn how to live happily from within by creating our own value w/o diminishing the happiness of anyone else by misappropriating their value.
          And that is simple too. We do self-talk all the time. Through it we either internalize what others tell us about ourselves, or we create our selves according to our own choosing. We can either entertain thoughts & words of indestructible, internal HAPPINESS, or we can entertain thoughts of fear, worry, suspicion, paranoia, lack, etc. Whichever thoughts & words predominate, create our actions & habits, which then create our character & destiny. If we don’t like a destructive, unhappy direction our life is going in, we just simply need to re-pattern, re-habituate into a constructive, HAPPY direction.
          And that’s all, that it’s all about.