Vindawg’s assessment of current American political situation (Dec2019):
I- There are 2 main opposite ideas of what’s good for Americans:
A- Welfare-state where gov’t takes care of people & everything, &
B- Free-enterprise where gov’t is kept to minimum allowing people freedom to take care of themselves & everything.
These 2 systems have been at odds for a long time
like Hatfields & McCoys,
like Montagues & Capulets,
like Yankees & Rebs.
Supporters of each system believe their system to be best for Americans.
There is a lot of armchair philosophizing going on, where everyone w/o experience thinks that “freedom-of-speech” means they should FORCE their opinions on others, & shout-down anyone who has even slightly different opinion.
This conflict could easily be solved if everyone offering their opinions & votes
was thoroughly
experienced, &
$ucce$$ful in:
Business, &
Who would hire a plumber to do their open-heart surgery, no matter how good-looking &
well-spoken they may be?
Yet so many hire by vote someone who is good-looking & well-spoken, but otherwise untrained & inexperienced in d positions in which they’re offering their public service.
To be continued.