Thursday, June 18, 2015

Don't kill

__ "Don't kill".—(Ex.20:13,Deut.5:17,Mat.19:18,Mrk.10:19,Koran.17:33).
Is it a "Hate-Crime" or non-“Hate-Crime”? Does it matter? "Don't kill".
Is it a murder that's White-on-Black or Black-on-White or Black-on-Black or White-on-White? Does it matter? "Don't kill".
Is it temporary or permanent insanity? Does it matter? "Don't kill".
Is it avenging real or imaginary injustices? Does it matter? "Don't kill".
Is it for a cause? Does it matter? "Don't kill".
Is it cops on civilians or civilians on cops? Does it matter? "Don't kill".

__ Oh but it’s sooooo important to remove this simple code of conduct from all public places & schools until our young grow-up with no clue what’s right & what’s wrong any more. Killing video-games (Postal2, Grand-Theft-Auto3, Manhunt) are their teachers of morality. Yes, the 1st-tablet deals with religion and does NOT belong in public places, but the 2nd-tablet deals with basic courtesies of human interactions and therefore DOES belong in all public places & schools. People fight about whether god hates homosexuals (as if anyone talked-it-over with god), or whether condoms are a sin, or how PRECISELY animals are to be slaughtered & butchered, but when it comes to this simple point of conduct, “Don’t kill”, clergy fight tooth-&-nail preaching that, that law was “nailed to the cross” and no longer applies?!? What insane BS!

__ I indict all clergy (of all faiths) as a whole for doing a piss-poor job of teaching the whole society this very, VERY simple point of conduct = “Don't kill". All they do is preach-to-the-choir from week-to-week to collect their paychecks w/o causing any waves, preaching lullabies about “sky-cake” to enjoy after death in the bye-&-bye, or frightening the gullible about hell if they don’t contribute enough. And then police have to deal with the failures of the clergy.

__ It’s not about “punishment”, but just like individuals, society has the right to defend itself from murderers, and do whatever it takes to ensure that murderers could NEVER-AGAIN escape or in any other way have a chance again to murder anyone, regardless of their reasons, or backgrounds, or insanity, or upbringing, or their parents’ spankings, or whatever. Zero-tolerance for any murder for any reason.

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