To be clear;
I am not making any claims of being:
Buddhist Maitreya,
CargoCults’ JohnFrum,
Christian AnointedOne,
Hindu Kalki,
Jewish Mashiach,
Muslim Mahdi,
NewAge WorldTeacher,
Portuguese Sebastian,
Taoist saviour LiHong,
Wiccan Aradia,
Zoroastrian ManOfPeace Saoshyant,
or any other sage, prophet, guru, or leader to be revered & followed.
I am just a dude who happens to be able to resolve harmoniously what appear to be insoluble contradictions.
I’m not looking for followers; I’m looking for leaders. I am looking for leaders who will grab this concept of Vinnieosophy-MIQOLFA*-Coaction and lead out in their own counties worldwide. Objective is not to convert anyone, but to find that 1% who already hold such views, and coalesce into independent cells in each county of this world, to become powerful “ship-rudders” steering their counties into happier waters.
Vinnieosophy-MIQOLFA-Coaction does not require anyone to abandon their religion, political-party, fraternity, sorority, club, family, occupation, etc.
VMC, in fact, encourages people to be edifying, inspiring, & uplifting members of their various organizations.
I do not want to be headquarters or president of VMC; just that little spark to start this coaction moving.
If you disagree with this, it obviously is not speaking to you, so don’t bother sending me hate mail, but just move on to whatever does speak to you.
If it does speak to you, start right away to gather around yourselves a social-circle of like-minded individuals. In time as your travel around this world, you’ll be able to meet other coaction groups. Of course in order for that to work, everybody ought-to use that same designation: VMC
In order for your independent VMC cell to be well balanced rather than pushing some one-sided agenda, it is IMPERATIVE to invite people of very DIFFERENT religions, political-parties, fraternities, sororities, clubs, families, occupations, races, ethnicities, orientations, genders, etc. I am confident that in every group there is that 1% who resonate with vibrations of VMC.
Notice I keep saying 1%. That is because whenever an organization becomes too large, history has shown that questionable characters join who then lead that organization to become abusive of others. As long as it stays at 1%, it will accomplish it’s purpose of increasing happiness in its county.
Main guideline of VMC is Golden-Rule which is given lip-service in practically every religion & philosophy of this world.
When we coalesce 1% of like-minded people of every county in this world into consciously practicing Golden-Rule on daily basis, “world-peace” might have a chance.
VMC defines “peace” as:
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