Friday, October 21, 2011

Associate w/who promote sustainable-progress

I am making no claims to be:
a miracle-worker, 
an angel,
or any such.

I am just a guy who is a non-supernatural, i.e., natural-visionary of the potential for global-happiness if Earthlings would only hold-on to the 20% of what works toward happiness, and let-go of the 80% which doesn't work.

20% = pro-survival, life-affirming, enjoyable, health, strength, intelligence, education, friendships, Peace-Corps, regional-Marathons, celebrations, dancing, doing-nice-things-for-people, politeness, cooperation, singing-happy-songs, Mensa, free-enterprise, life-liberty-&-happiness, Doctors-w/o-Borders, Venus-Project, Zeitgeist-Movement, Parliament-of-Religions, SGI, IRM, Global-Cooperative-Space-Industry, sustainable-progress, family-planing, ecology, reducing-reusing-recycling, safe-sex, etc.

80% = contra-survival, life-destroying, un-enjoyable, health-destroying-lifestyle, weakness, ignorance, illiteracy, animosities, military-industrial-complex, non-exercise, celebrating-nothing, prohibition-against-dancing, doing-mean-things-to-people, rudeness, uncooperativeness, sad-songs, brain-destroying-habits, discouraging-free-enterprise, death-slavery-&-misery, bigotry, deforestation, pollution, wars, unsafe-sex, 25K-daily-starvation-deaths, etc.

"Fighting not good. Somebody always get hurt." 
--Mr Miyagi, Karate Kid

So revolutions not good either. A lot of people get hurt.
But evolution is too slow. The Earth will be scorched by its own Sun (when it becomes a red-giant-star, expanding in size beyond the orbits of Mercury and Venus) if Humans are left to evolve w/o some prodding.

Lubavitcher-Hasidic rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson said:
"We stand poised at the threshold of a spiritual-revolution, a world filled with divine knowledge, the time of the Messiah. A single good deed on your part can transform the world."
After the end of the Cold War (1989) and the Second Gulf War (1991), he frequently spoke about the messianic-age of peace.

So I recommend that all Humans associate themselves with the best association(s) they can find which promote sustainable-progress.

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